Bulk Social Media Analyzer + Author Finder – Featured Tool of the Week

This week I am happy to feature a coolest tool in our tools column: Analyze Social Signals and Google Authorship for the List of URLs – Free Tool

It’s simple to use but has some awesome functionality: provide the list of URLs, wait a bit and enjoy:

Page-specific social media numbers:

  • Number of Facebook shares, comments and comments (as well as total) for each one

  • Number of Tweets

  • Number of Google plus ones

The tool will also find a verified author of each page and even find that author on Twitter, Facebook and Google plus. It won’t stop there and fetch social media following for each author.

Author-specific information:

  • Links to social media accounts of each author

  • Number of Twitter followers of each author

  • Number of Facebook friends of each author

  • Number Google Plus circles each author is in.

How cool is that!

Social author tool

You can also export the whole chart in a handy clickable HTML file!

Author information

Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty is the pro blogger and guest blogger, social media enthusiast.

The post Bulk Social Media Analyzer + Author Finder – Featured Tool of the Week appeared first on SEO Chat.


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